The Objective

Our brief was to revise the current marketing processes by developing a new holistic approach capable of achieving an ambitious target of 5x growth in the exchange’s active user base before the end of the calendar year.

DMCG was engaged in a three part project; discovery, enhancement and a handover which included the training of new placements alongside C-Suite guidance.

​The Results

Within 4 months DMCG curated a prioritised refresh of marketing activities.

We then leaned heavily into a final period of handover, working to ensure that the new processes and approach would remain baked into Coinstash’s ongoing digital marketing activities.

While their marketing growth is expected to continue to accelerate, the initial engagement yielded impressive results:

Overall site performance

  • +93% increase in new user acquisition

  • +116% increase in total visitor base YoY

* All reporting dates cited = primary 4 months of engagement (April 1, 2023 to July 31, 2023) against prior period
** Results mentioning YoY comparison are July 1-31, 2023 against same period in 2022

SEO Impact

Using industry standard third party tools we can confidently report:

AHREFS (90 Days)

  • +48.2% Organic Traffic

  • +40.9% New 'Page 1' Keywords

GSC (Google Search Console)

  • +21.8% Click Through Rate (4.6% to 5.6%)

  • +12.3% Improvement in Average Position

  • +49.7% Increase in Clicks

  • +22.5% Higher Impressions

Social Channels 

Overall new customer acquisition from social media activity increased 16.3%!

The exciting results however were observed primarily off site in the upper funnel with one key campaign exceeding previous reach by over 1,500%:


  • +49% increase in engagement

  • +44% increase in followers


  • +124% increase in page visits

  • +78% increase in follows 


  • +115% increase in profile visits

  • +71% increase in followers

Activation Through App Stores

While not a core focus, consideration of the full user journey demanded

iOS Performance

  • +45% increase in instals
    * Result paired with -67% reduced advertising spend

Android Performance

  • +19% increase in ‘Organic’ instals
    * Result obtained with zero paid activity


While the above results speak to a very healthy and well rounded execution, the ultimate indicator of success is one that also applies a macro lens to the competition and industry.

Consistent Market Share Increase

At 60 days, Coinstash had achieved an increased share of voice by +14.9%, whilst their primary competitor lost ground (-9.5%) along with the industry leader in Australia retracing (-7.2%).

(Data from 3rd party provider: SimilarWeb - May 2023)

ClientPosition at Engagement End

Based on tracking within a SimilarWeb custom audience consisting of 15 exchanges, Coinstash was the only Australian exchange to evidence growth YoY at the conclusion of the engagement period.

Leading into the final weeks of engagement MoM data showed a +153% increase in share of voice(more than double the closest competitor).

(Data from 3rd party provider: SimilarWeb - August 2023)


As the Growth Marketing Manager at Coinstash, I worked closely with DMCG on a mission to revamp our marketing processes and achieve a 5x growth in our active user base.

DMCG's insights and recommendations were invaluable in guiding our marketing efforts. What truly set them apart was their commitment to knowledge transfer and long-term success.

I highly recommend DMCG to any organisation looking to drive growth and innovation in their marketing strategy.

Chris Graham

Growth Marketing Manager